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By Caterina Davinio &



Gates is dedicated to Pierre Restany






Thomas Bell




    I will be reading the attached text behind the door of my office with

some patients and working on graphics from June 9 until June 40.

Thomas Bell



< p o e t h i a :   s i n g l e - a u t h o r   i s s u e>

< n u m b e r    f i f t e e n >

< M a y    2 0 0 3 >




<><><> TOM BELL






my TV has

crawling once more under the screen

along the banks of the Tibris

clouds billow over Baghdad

phones on the cutting edge disconnect




Embedded media


Frag news crawls along at camel's pace under the TV picture




TV has

Crawling once more under the screen

Along the banks of the Tibris

Clouds billow over Baghdad

Phones on the cutting edge disconnect


Regarding the Pain of Others


Nearby plaque commemorating Grant-

Land Rice's birthplace, Condoleesa

Rice lays out options, shopkeep, Kurd out of Jerusalem, carefully handles Camels out of Winston-Salem out of baccy from nearby fields as encroaching Vietnam vet fondles neck of Bud Light shimmers through on shockandawe headline. Camera shifts to SUV mall miles off.  Sex

y ad sublimes isms MONSTER.COM AMAZON ATLAS shrugged.


"in Bklyn over

the last 2 weeks a lone African-American has

murdered 4 Muslims and a few other shop keepers...extrapolate



The show will go on tonight














Gore speaks from here today













Dear Tom,


You know...

this is a war

in order to rob the petroleum from Iraq and secure the future of Israel. It is a war

of prey,

like the Opium Wars of the Englishmens against the Chinese.


It is a murderous war

that has made us retreat one century, at least.


I know that not all the North Americans

are guilty of having a President pirate

like Bush

but I could not quit thinking in that to all you spout them the blood of the hands (for omission and indifference).


You mention Uruguay and are not very far  off.


possesses something that the USAmericans want and need (above all California) and it is


The lists is: Iran, Palestina, North Korea, China, Colombia, Brazil (for the Amazonia), etc.

                                                  The empire


like an elephant in a bazaar. Fraternally,


Clemente Padin


----- Mensaje original -----

De: "tombell" <>

Para: "UB Poetics discussion group" <POETICS@LISTSERV.BUFFALO.EDU>

CC: "Enviado: Miércoles, 26 de Marzo de 2003 03:35 p.m.

Asunto: Re: what poets can do


"If it bleeds, it leads." - Langer

If we are waging and economic war, let us.

If we are waging a poetry war, let us.

If we are waging [Coalition forces targeting telecommunication targets in Baghdad

If we are waging a Holy War, let us


=======If I am paranoid you put those words in my mouth=====


clamering underflow


switch to soaps

to Final four

to Johnny Cash

cut or switch to MASH reruns


                                                                            sons of the American revolution]


poison factories


disInformation Ministry in Baghdad








                                                                   Far more lethally --

starting with the attack by Italian fighter planes near Tripoli in October

1911 -- European nations ad been bombing their colonies.  So-called "air

control operations" were favored as an economical alternative to the costly

practice of maintaining large garrisons to police Britain's more restive pos-

sions.  One of these was Iraq, which (along with Palestine) had gone to

Britain as pat of the spoils of victory when the Ottoman Empire was dis-

membered after the First World War.  Between 1920 and 1924, the recently

formed Royal Air Force regularly targeted Iraqi villages, often remote settle-

ments, where the rebellious natives might try to find shelter, with the raids

carried on continuously - Susan Sontag, Regarding the Pain of Others, NY,

Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2003.



"War has colored all of our lives for a very long time."


Is casualty notification at all casual?


Instanteous haplessness =+= with new technology comes earsback pinning anxiety = you pine.


Generic enbed, embed, in bed those angels dancing on the head of a pin

winning the battle                                                                 we are


"They [we] have been monitoring listening posts and flooding the internet". polling advertisees


"terminalizing" BaghdadaDada


I hate that it happened to him,

                                                              he who "indoctrinated" us into the Marines way


our media mediated immediated knowledge of war


headlines creep under, crawl along inexorably relaying the underlying messages quick [or better, as quickly]










                                                               "the war pho-

tograph was surrounded by words(the article it illustrated

and other articles), while in a magazine, it was more likely

to be adjacent to a competing image that was peddling

something...." MSNBC****Animation HOMEshoppingnetwork gameshow network

LIVE?IRAQ NBCnews with 3rdInfantry on the phone Suicide bomb


ReMaX Salut



"Imagine this!"

                                                                        "Picture that."


"in his own words"    DELPHI Medical Sensing Devices

"Even stephen Spielberg couldn't have done this!"

"No one could replicate the patriotism."


Ultra short-term devices 1-888-FOR-STROng


it card

"Donald Rumsfield is to blame!" per _The Post_ Metabolite without

ephredra "is that fair criticism?"

ON-Line banking 1-800-Pet-MEDS

more than 100 reporters

more than 675 Tomahawks

oneaday aspirin trustitwithallyourheart

                                                           two posthumous medals award

ed instantaneously to suicide bombers


                                                      "Burrows was the first important photo-

grapher to do a whole war in color -- another gain in verisimilitude...The

photographer's intentions do not determine the meaning of the photograph,

which will have its own career, blown by the whims and loyalties of the


verse communities that have use for it."



Or do the snaps make their futures?









                                                Underscore the Brutality of the Regime


On the talkshow circuit is somebody to blame


                                          "Perhaps the only people with

the right to look at images of suffering of this extreme or-

der are  those who could do something to alleviate it....."





rest of us are voyeurs, whether or not we meant to be......


     The ghoulish cruelties in _The disasters of War_ are meant

to awaken, shock, wound the viewer.  Goya's art, like

Dostoyevsky's, seem a turning point in the history of

moral feelings and of sorrow - as deep, as original, as de-

manding.  With Goya, a new standard for responsiveness

to suffering enters art....


the image, like every image, is an invitation to look, the

caption, more often than not, insists on the difficulty of

doing just that.  A voice badgers the viewer: can you bear

to look at this?. _Esto es malo_.  _Esto es peor_. Why?

_Por que_?" - Sontag


[Assan Akbar smiles from under a blue commencement mortar]


music upbeats and strengthens under the news inexorably crawls

across under all save the ads which are underscored by their

800 or banners ?underbanners?


Baghdad enjoys the most ferocious bombing yet as OPERATION

IRAQI FREEDOM marches on




                                                 Showdown on IRAQ


Drones of

Doom with a view on




                                     [you can check out our interactive videos

                                                       and slide shows at............ ]



                   Langer - "Yet the Times [October, 1862] reporter

cannot resist the melodrama that mere words supply (the

'dripping bodies' ready for 'the gaping trenches'), while

reprehending the intolerable realism of the image."



and who will get that knock at the door?

and WHO will get that knock at the door?

and who will get that KNOCK at the door?

and who will GET that knock at the door? 'and include with the picture a short note on why you think they are our



Baroque to rococo grotesque Tar-

    get Iraq


                                                                                                Drones of

                                                                                                Doom with a view on





                                                   AND who?


and this found poem just in:


"The real thing may not be fearsome enough, and

therefore needs to be enhanced; or reenacted more con-

vincingly.  Thus. the first newsreel ever made of a battle --

a much-publicized incident in Cuba during the Spanish-

American War of 1898 known as the Battle of San Juan

Hill -- in fact shows a charge staged shortly afterward by

Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and his volunteer cavalry

unit, the Rough Riders, for the Vitagraph cameramen,

the actual charge up the hill, after it was filmed, having

been judged insufficiently dramatic." - S. Sontag.




19-yr. old from Palestine rescued in Nasiriyah

                I was that age when I did my tour.

                My daughter is that age

                My granddaughter will be,

                          I hope.


"The more remote or exotic the place, the more likely

we are to have full frontal views of the dead and dying.

Thus postcolonial Africa exists in the consciousness of

the general public in the rich world - besides through its

sexy music - mainly as a succession of unforgettable pho-

tographs of large-eyed victims,....These sights carry a

double message.  they show a suffering that is outra-

geous, unjust, and should be repaired.  They confirm that

this is the sort of thing which happens in the place.  The

ubiquity of those photographs, and those horrors, cannot

help but nourish belief in the inevitability of tragedy in

the benighted or backward - that is, poor - parts of the

world." - Langer


across my screen today from Reiner Strasser from another list:

'In my sight "we want peace" is great - but not enough!

(To get the shifting from oppose to create/form/construct'


and from Ron's blog:

'Like Lyndon Johnson & Richard Nixon before him, George W. Bush has provided just the sort of primary shared point of agreement that has been lacking for so long. To some degree, the response to date has been predictable, although dramatically accelerated. The real issue, it seems to me, will come after the war, when the U.S. and the ever-faithful United Kingdom are bungling the reconstruction of all that they have laid waste. That is the point in this process that the left of my own generation never successfully negotiated. To date, I do not see it being addressed, but it's too soon & I would dearly love to be wrong in my skepticism on this point.'


I think you are right that we failed but perhaps that failure is worth examining?  I know I washed out when things moved toward violent and there is that potential here.  I think Reiner may be on to something but he is 'worn out' by his earlier cooperative international poetry work and he suggests the UN (irrelevant as it is to Bushites).  I also think Langer rightly points out that viewing, picturing, or writing about 'them' "cannot help but nourish belief in the inevitability of tragedy"


Langer ends sadly with affirming that we "Can't understand; can't imagine....And they are right" and I don't have a solution, either, but think these things worth thinking on?





[realized that the language has thrown me back on myself and not attending for the past few days:  have been referring to Sontag, Susan as Lerner, Judith and the only skeleton in my Freudian closet to save academics the trouble would be a male Jay Lerner about the Time I knew a Marty who found happiness later as Mary]

[no relevance I can see to the poetry here]


                                                 Black Hawk Down Once Again


reply from Reiner:

I prefer to think not in national categories.

Bloody reality of politique throws all back.


No - it is not as easy.


US out of balance - turns the world out of balance (in a martial act).

The American left wing mute for a too long time (after 0911) - made the

right wing louder (more and more dominant).


Ah - still a democracy.

Voices form public - influence governments.


Get back to communication (>comprehension).

From a dualistic (evil<>good) scheme (middle ages) to a open, complex world





Not yet totally 'worn out' ;)


reply to reply:



Nietsche is alive?


Jessica Lynch has been rescued.  "That's great!"

Do we have to inhabit Bush's mind?

I'm depressed.  What does that mean when my granddaughter wants to play?



would suspect play may be the solution and Sontag does in fact reference the grotesque but she may not be aware.  The other confusion here is that the polls in Germany are not terribly positive at this point and they don't think the USCentric role is a good role model for them.  I may concur on this but money from the Ukraine and former Russian (I presume what they mean is men from what was Russia) influence in Iraqi strategy is tossed in to the pot


But the background music today drums in an upbeat way


                                                                                            Dow UP

                                                                                     NASDAQ up


and Heraldo called the parody of a parody and someone is only speaking out in controlled environments


Jessica from Palestine {does NOT rhyme with rhyme or wine!!! they say] is debriefed

something debunked and spin of the HARDball by the HARDballers flexing muscle on the screen as the Tall Texan of the Grand Old Opry patriotically excoriates the Dixie Chick who slipped but the stand up guys [in my experience stand-UP guys don't or at least those that talk about it] are not the same Grantland Rice knew in his childhood here or those Akbar wanted to be or those that were mown down at the Battle of Stones River which is the name of the mall nearby filled with SUVs and cell phones.  rabbit ears c'mon, let's hear some chatter in the dugout trenches there, rev up the rhet.


                                                "Is there a hidden reference there?"






"It doesn't get any more realistic than this, wow, WOW, WOWIE"  "We are really embedded."


"Good shot to the head!"  "The Captain just killed him in the foyer."  "We'd be anxious with these bad guys here, but these guys are gung-ho."

"Let's continue listening in.  He's describing this so well." [I don't think the correct term for a gyro is a 'grunt']


The "He said, 'We're Marines, we took Iwo Jima, this is S=H=I=and I'll let you put in the other letter.'" story has aired at least once in every 15 min. sound byte shown today.


"It seems this has been disconnected.  This is the most dramatice realistic reality TV.".


"We're in the thick of it." as if we can't see and hear we are in the thick of it?  "This is like 'Apocalypse Now'...I've seen War movies..."  "We saw his head exPLOODe in front of us."  "This is like the Alamo, we see a charge coming in...


Al Kut on the Tigris, and you probably heard and saw this sound byte numerous times in the days to come?


I had a patient see me this morning who does have some problems with rumination (among tohewr things).  She used to spend her free time watching her collection of war movies.  One of her goals in therapy is to be able to watch more comedies.


This afternoon I will spend some time with PTSDed vets


And just so I don't get my credentials yanked let me say I did my time and received a letter of commendation from both the US Army and the SDS.



progress that has been made

progress that is to be made



inbound firing


Ernie Pyle

_Men at War_


_rumor of war_


crying children crying one military mother talked about talking to her children about their father's absence'


'and we have more video to show you but right now we have the military minute and then more n Camp Lejeune...'


At what point do we need a bigger screen?  Does the war need to be speeded up to end before March madness?


The lights are out in Baghdad


crying children crying last night a child with her child sought shelter under a the wing of a journalist-doctor


crying children crying she may have been tortured or may have shot a few. crying children crying


daughter's crying child crying but not malnourished crying children crying the young gunners asked to share their first experience of firefighting crying children crying


The obvious solution is abstraction, removal, panning away, commercial break DOW down today along with the NASDAQ and a bizarre mention of Nikes last night


As we end here we end here but how

and what are we ending.  There might be error and rumors scattered here - I did make an interesting error in my allusions while reading Sontag I thought of her as Lerner and her thesis on form but also there is a letter I could write to Margaret who wrote to us or to Margaret the mother of my mother but Margaret is a better muse as I heard her read once on Center Street where she visited as she visited per Radcliff and Harvard but her visit to Center Street was without awareness of it's glory days strode by Golda and it's pits strode by Oprah before the tanks moved in and now mixed with they, those immigrants while we visited and listened.  There is no simple answer to Atwood save that we can change as we have but what is the simple ending here as a Sontag tableau or Iwo Jima or storming Baghdad or the Four Horsemen of Grantland's days or the Stone River Grays reenacted yearly or next month's Jazz Fest about jazz with none?


"Your exclusive insiders' view of thinking like a Republican/Democrat as the stock-market bubble rhetorically bursts and the bursts at little resistance...."


                                                                         [Will they last?]


In the end there is there no form to make sense of this?

networks and soundbites John Wayne James was not fazed by 9/11 and the land has not noticed the war looks like


they are still safe then, Margaret?